View detailed specifications for all digital advertising products below. Please submit ads directly to Please clearly mark your file with the advertiser’s name (not the designer’s name, design studio, or advertising agency name) and be sure to indicate the dates the ads are to run. For questions, contact All ads are due at least 5 business days before the start of the campaign.

  • IMPLEMENTATION + BEST PRACTICES All submitted artwork for and newsletters must follow best practices set forth by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). For more information, visit files are not accepted.
  • REPORTS Clients can request a status report during the campaign as well as a final report at the conclusion of the campaign. Please contact your account executive for more information at (303) 832-5280.
  • PRICING Please contact an account executive at (303) 832-5280 for pricing and terms.

Display Ads

Run of Site/Channel and Takeover
SIZES NEEDED: 970×250, 970×90, 728×90, 300×250, 300×600, and 320×50 (mobile)
FILE TYPE: jpg, gif, png, HTML5, JavaScript, and most third-party ad tags accepted
LINK: URL for the banner destination.
Slider Leaderboard Ad
PREMIUM | SIZES NEEDED: 970×250 (desktop), 320×50 (mobile)
| SIZES NEEDED: 970×90 and 728×90 (desktop), 320×50 (mobile)
jpg, gif, png
URL destination. Click trackers are accepted.
View ad placement example here.


Editorial ContentDedicated Content
Newsletter Banners – The Local
SIZES NEEDED: Two (2) 970×250 banners
These can be the same creative, or different. If different, please specify preferred placement.
FILE TYPE: jpg, gif, png
LINK: URL destination. Click trackers are accepted.
Click here to view an example.
Getaways, Promotions, Wellness, and Selects Eblasts
IMAGE: 600×400, image or image + logo only
FILE TYPE: jpg, gif, or png
TITLE/HEADLINE: 5-10 words 
DESCRIPTION: 30-40 words
LINK: URL destination. Click trackers are accepted.
Click here to view an example.
Newsletter Banners – Home and Colorado Explorer
SIZES NEEDED: 970×250 (top), 970×250 (center)
These can be the same creative, or different. If different, please specify preferred placement.
FILE TYPE: jpg, gif, png
LINK: URL destination. Click trackers are accepted.
Click here to view an example.
Deals Eblast
PHOTO: jpg or png, image only, no logos or graphics
HEADLINE: 3-4 words
DESCRIPTION: 25-30 words
LINK: URL destination. Click trackers are accepted.
Click here to view an example.
Sponsored Links
TEXT: 15-20 words
LINK: 4-5 word call-to-action, linking to URL destination. Click trackers are accepted.
Click here to view an example.
Roundup Eblast
PHOTO: jpg or png, image only, no logos or graphics
HEADLINE: 3-4 words
EVENT DATE OR FREQUENCY:  (i.e. June 10 or Every Saturday)
DESCRIPTION: 25-30 words
CALL TO ACTION + LINK: (i.e. Buy Tickets + Website)
Click here to view an example.
Sponsored Content – BASIC
TITLE/HEADLINE: 5-10 words 
DESCRIPTION: 30-40 words 
LINK: URL destination. Click trackers are accepted.
Click here to view an example.

Sponsored Content – PREMIUM
Same as above PLUS: high-resolution jpg or png, horizontal only, no logos or graphics
Click here to view an example.
Our third party database provides access to larger email lists of desired geographic, demographic, and behavioral targeted categories. Minimum send of 32,500. 

Third-party ad tags NOT accepted. | View stats and examples of all newsletters here.

Social Media


Facebook PostInstagram PostInstagram StoryInstagram Reel
– 30-50 words 
– Facebook page to tag
LINK: URL destination.
Header phrase or sentence (max 125 characters, including emojis)
30-50 words with additional details
Hashtags (min 3, max 30)
– Handle to tag
LINK: URL destination.
Keywords or phrases
Hashtags (max 3)
Handle to tag
LINK: URL destination.

30–50 words of text
Hashtags (max 3)
Handle to tag
LINK: URL destination.
1-10 high res images*
Sizing is flexible (jpg or png)
1-10 high res images
(1080 X 1350, jpg or png)
1-3 high res images per frame of Story (sizing is flexible, jpg or png)
Max 15 seconds video (min width 500 px, .mp4 or .mov)
Max 1 minute and 30 seconds video (min width 500 px, .mp4 or .mov)
Width: 1080px | Height: 1920px

Native Advertising + In-Feed

Native Landing PageNative In-Feed
Custom Landing Page Content*
CONTENT: Up to 1,200 words (min. 500 words)
FILE TYPE: Provide copy and links in Text or Word format
LINKS: Minimum of 5 outbound URL links within copy pointing to your website
SEO KEYPHRASE: 2-3 words. Utilize in title, first paragraph, and at least 3-4 times throughout content.
In-Feed Content
TITLE/HEADLINE: 55 characters maximum
DESCRIPTION: 140-150 characters
IMAGE: 1280×850 min
Native Images + Video
1 main large hero image, horizontal 
5 or more additional page photos. Images should be at least 1280 pixels wide. Captions for images (not required).
Clients can customize the space to fit individual needs and objectives.
In-Feed Gallery Images
BUSINESS NAME: 55 characters maximum
IMAGES: Product image, 1280×850 min
LINK: URL destination. Click trackers are accepted. 
*Please note: We reserve the right to make any edits to the provided information to ensure proper SEO implementation.
View native campaign example here.

Sponsored Content

Listings We Love Sponsored Post
HEADLINE: 15-30 characters
IMAGES: 4-6 images of at least 1280 pixels wide or greater
TEXT: 150-250 words. Provide copy and links in Text or Word format. Include contact information (phone, website, address).